From Finances to Freelancers – How to Start Your First Online Business

Owning your own business is the great Australian dream. If you dream about being your own boss, loving your work and hopefully one day retiring early then starting up a company is the path for you. It’s not easy, but after long hours, sweat and tears you’ll reap the rewards. But there’s a lot to consider before you embark on this path. And these days, the market is moving increasingly online. More and more people are shopping online, getting quotes online, banking online and paying bills online. So it makes sense to go where the market is, right? So let’s take a journey from finances to freelancers and discover how you can go about launching an online business.

Consider Freelance Work

One way to begin an online business is by becoming a freelancer. You’ll need to create an invoice template for small business so you can bill clients, but before that, you need to decide what you’ll specialise in. There are a few options here. If you excel in the creative space then you may want to consider becoming a copywriter, blogger or graphic designer. A popular blog can bring in some dollars in advertising and promotional posts. A decent copywriter is sought after by marketing and advertising firms. There is always graphic design work going as well. You may want to begin by pitching for jobs on websites like Fiverr or Airtasker. From there, you can build a portfolio that will come in handy when chasing bigger, better-paying clients.

Offer a Unique Product or Service

The online marketplace is flooded. There is ferocious competition amongst retailers, app developers, tech companies and more. If you’re going to launch an online business you need to give some serious thought into your product or service offering and how it differs from the competition. If you’re considering an eCommerce site, what can you offer that ten other shopping sites don’t? If you’re selling an app, what features can you develop that twenty other similar apps don’t have? Think long and hard about your unique selling point online Business and truly make it a point of difference. Online consumers are savvy, and if you have a good product or service they’ll buy it.

Focus on User Experience

The key to success in the online marketplace is by offering a smooth, user-friendly experience. For this, you need a website that works and is founded on the principles of good user experience (UX). If you’re selling goods on a buggy, slow website you’re going nowhere fast. You want your customers to enjoy every moment of the experience, from their first landing on your website through to the checkout. If funds allow, consider hiring a UX consultant to assess your website for user-friendliness. And if they find room for improvement please follow their advice. Some business owners can be stubborn and not take advice – while they may offer a great product their UX knowledge is low. So trust a professional and ensure a breezy experience for your users.

To Sum It All Up

Launching an online business might be your ticket to early retirement, but there are a few things you need to consider first. You might decide to begin your online business as a freelancer, which will suit the creative people right off the bat. If you’re selling products or services online, think hard about your unique selling point so you stand out from the crowd. And finally, your website needs to be accessible, easy-to-use and a great experience. Consider employing a UX consultant to assess it for you. Have fun in your new endeavor.

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